Charging Habits and Techniques to Keep Your Laptop Battery Healthy

Charging Habits and Techniques to Keep Your Laptop Battery Healthy

Work-life without laptops seems like a nightmare. Most of us rely on laptops in a greater proportion, whether it’s for work, studying, or simply socializing. The laptop's battery serves as the heart of the system, empowering it to assist us in our work.

Therefore, the battery's health must not be compromised. Doing so is quite simple! It is a fact, and you heard it right. This is a very easy problem to solve: there are several things you need to do in order to keep your battery in good working condition.

Stick with us until the end. In this article, we’ll reveal the simple yet useful practices that keep your laptop battery healthy. If your battery is damaged by a serious technical fault, rush to a reliable vendor like batterieprofessionnel for the best replacement.

Habits and Techniques To Keep Your Battery Healthy

Here’s the list of the practices that’ll help your battery run a long way.

Not to Overcharge

Stop doing it before your battery bids you farewell. It's one of the most common practices observed. People leave their laptops on charging for extended periods even after their batteries are full. This overcharging results in increased heat generation, which ultimately degrades the battery.

Try This: Once your battery’s full, unplug the charger.

Maintain Optimal Charging Levels

Maintaining the laptop battery at an optimal level is very important. The batteries used in laptops are li-ion batteries and have a certain charging range when kept in that 20 to 80 percent range, they will not put unnecessary strain on the cells. By doing so, you can keep your battery healthy for a longer duration.

Try This: Charge your battery before it drains out fully. Also, try not to keep it fully 100% charged every time.

Battery Needs to be in a Cool Environment

High temperatures are lethal for laptop batteries. Excessive heat causes thermal runaway, generating further heat, and initiating a chain reaction.

What to Do? The best thing to do is to place your laptop on cool, well-ventilated surfaces. Also, avoid placing them on soft surfaces like couches or beds. This leads to air blockage, which will drastically increase the heat.

Prefer using Battery Saver Mode

This feature is a lifesaver. Many laptops are equipped with power savers, which conserve power by diminishing the processes in the background. This is a great way to boost battery life.

Pro Tip: Turn on your battery-saver mode to give your battery a few more moments to cherish.

Don’t Forget Updating Your Software

Manufacturers ensure your systems stay updated. For this purpose, they often release updates, including battery performance optimization.

What You Must Do? Make sure your drivers and operating systems are up to date. This will help them make the most out of the software updates.

Hibernate When Not Using

Hibernating the laptop instead of putting it in sleep mode is a great hack when you plan not to use it for longer. This mode saves the system’s current state to the hard drive and completely shuts down while consuming minimal power.


Battery life is important and proper charging procedures and usage are important for the health of the laptop battery. Following the above strategies will not only maintain the effectiveness and functionality of the device at the same time make a significant stride toward sustainability by reducing the number of battery changes. It is also important to remember that you need to strike a balance between an ideal charging rate and charging the device at the right time.